“There is Beauty in Simplicity”

I could start by saying how sorry I am that I disappeared but I wouldn’t. I will however, say that I have missed sharing my thoughts here and it has been a very long time.

I have heard this phrase ” There is Beauty in Simplicity” repeated over and again but the time it stuck most was when I heard it from two very different people Rj and Adelaide in the space of 15 hours many years ago. I have often wondered why I gravitated more towards the things from way back when. I have now accepted this and so should anyone who wants to stay in my life.

I like my time in my bathroom read as my sanctuary because it’s the place I believe I get to or at least attempt to connect the dots and today was no different.

I have in most recent years described myself as someone who likes the (G)olden era from leading ladies such as Grace Kelly to Audrey Hepburn and the music from a time before I could truly appreciate it. When the lyrics were wholesome-ish. The Art of Storytelling was uncluttered like is evident in Alfred Hitchcook’s Rear Window. There was a time I would have written all this in my diary but instead I’m choosing to share here and yet not many readers come here for this. How do I know this? Well its because my SEO gives an insight that states that my positioning is far from target. My situation analysis is flawed because I ought to write for my target audience and not myself. My target audience want more posts on ” Love According To Yoruba Proverbs “

I cannot recall what I was doing precisely at the time the idea for this post was birthed but I remember seeing floppy disks on the screen and it took me back to when I was in junior school and using them for assignments and how much we as humanity have now evolved. Swatch have announced the creation of the world’s smallest Bluetooth chip that can fit into the internet of things. Mind-Boggling. I know now that I have a problem with the way the world is rapidly becoming more and more digitalized.

How I would treasure a handwritten letter over mindless messages on instant messengers. I know I cannot divorce the facts that the wisdom to create these things came from God and many of the improvements are often times beneficial, just like you, my family is distributed amongst the different continents of the world and with the aid of technology, it’s almost tangible, I can almost touch her, as I catch a glimpse of my loved ones’ beautiful smile and see the glint in her eyes as we share updates and create new memories.

I really want to pick and choose which areas of my life, I let technology dictate the pace but I hear the world barking at me Evolve/Diversify or Become Extinct, just like my favourite phone companies Nokia and Blackberry…

This was written after my long hiatus, just never pressed the published button until now…

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